K K Ramalingam ent book pdf free download (latest edition) - direct link


KK ramalingam ent book pdf free download ⬇️⬇️

ENT is one of the major clinical subject during 3rd year MBBS. It is most interesting and easily understandable subject. It involves studying of ear ,nose and throat. The ENT diseases are seen in everyday life of a doctor. Especially in childrens this infections are most common. Knowing the basic of ENT is very essential for treating the patients with ENT diseases. 

Many books are available for studying ENT the more commonly used books are Dhingra ENT,Vikas Sinha ENT etc. The choice of book depends upon the individual. One can choose any books based on their  thoughts ,knowledge and other factors.

Short practice of otorhinolaryngology book pdf by KK ramalingam is one of the commonly used books for ENT. It is commonly used graduate ENT graduates. But it is also useful for undergraduate students especially for 3rd year MBBS. It is used for postgraduate final exams and other competitive exams like neet pg ,neet super speciality and other competitive exams.

Short practice of otorhinolaryngology book was written by KK ramalingam , one of the finest ent surgeon in the country. His works are well known and his book was popular among postgraduate ent students.

Content of this book:

Author notes:

From yore man has been inquisitive about attempting to manage sickness. the medication man, the priest, the therapist and therefore the magician, all undertook in varied ways in which to cure man's sickness and/or to bring relief to the sick. In AN nearly complete absence of scientific medical information, it i might not be truthful to mention that the first practitioners of medication contributed nothing to the alleviation of man's tormented by sickness. Medical information in reality has been derived, to a really nice degree, from the intuitive and empiric propositions and accumulative experiences gleaned from others. A history of medication so contributes a review of accomplishments and errors, false theories and information and mistaken interpretations. it's additionally a study of the evolution of man and of human information down the ages; of the biographies of eminent people World Health Organization developed medicine; of the discoveries and inventions: in several historical periods; and of the dynamic ideas, goals and objectives of medication. within the course of its evolution, that proceeded by stages, with advances and halts, medication has drawn richly from the standard cultures of that it's an area, and later from biological and natural sciences and a lot of recently from social and activity sciences. medication is so engineered on the simplest of the past. within the vessel of your time, medication has evolved itself into a system heavily bureaucratized and politicized. The "explosion" of data throughout the twentieth century has created medication a lot of complicated, and treatment a lot of pricey, however the advantages of recent medication haven't nevertheless penetrated the social edge in several countries. The obvious contrasts within the state of health between the developed and developing countries, between the agricultural and concrete areas, and between the made and poor have attracted worldwide criticism as "social injustice". The commitment of all countries, underneath the banner of the globe Health Organization, is to wipe out the inequalities within the distribution of health resources and services, and attain the Millenium Development Goals/ property Development Goals. The goal of recent medication isn't any longer just treatment of illness. the opposite and a lot of necessary goals that have emerged square measure bar of sickness, promotion of health and improvement of the standard of lifetime of people and teams or communities. In different words, the scope of medication has significantly broadened throughout recent years. it's additionally thought to be a necessary element of socio-economic development.

1) Disease of the ear

2) Disease of nose

3) Disease of throat

About the author:

Prof . K K Ramalingam

Dr. Sreeramamoorthi

Dr. Ravi Ramalingam

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