Exam prepatory manual of paediatric by Snehal Patel book pdf free download - Direct link

Exam prepatory manual of paediatrics by Snehal Patel book pdf free download ⬇️⬇️

Paediatrics is one of the major subject in medical field. It consists of patients below the age of 18. These age groups are growing children and they need a special attention. For this, the branch of paediatrics has developed into a major public importance. It consists of newly born children to adolescent people. They are growing and more prone to diseases.Many paediatric books are available nowadays for both theory and practical. Like, OP Ghai , lakshmana samy Aarusamy. These books are vast and need to be studied daily basis.

 One of the best books for paediatrics is the Exam prepatory manual of paediatrics by Snehal Patel. It is very much useful for exam preparation and for passing the exams.Snehal Patel paediatrics pdf is very compact and easily understandable. They are also useful for postgraduatedical examination. Exam prepatory manual of paediatrics by Snehal Patel is published by Jaypee publication. It is useful for both theory and practical examinations. 

It is loaded with diagrams and flowcharts for easy remembrance., which is reader friendly. It has separate portion for mcqs and viva section.

Contents of the book:

1) Growth and its Disorders

• Normal growth and factors affecting growth

• Assessment of growth

• Failure to thrive

2) Normal and Abnormal Development

• Normal development

• Developmental assessment

• Approaching a child with the global developmental delay (GDD)

• Approach to a child with delayed speech

• Cerebral palsy

• Mental retardation (intellectual disability)

3) Adolescent Health

• Growth and development in adolescents

• Sexual maturity rating

• Health problems in adolescents

• Management of adolescent care

4) Behavioral Disorders

• Pica

• Thumb sucking

• Enuresis

• Breath holding spells

• Attention deficit hyperkinetic disorder (ADHD)

• Autism spectrum disorder

• Eating disorders• Some miscellaneous behavioral disorders

5) Immunization

• Cold chain and vaccine storage

• Immunization Schedules 2019

– National immunization schedule

– IAP immunization schedule

– Immunizing adolescents

• Catch-up vaccination

• Combination vaccines

• Individual vaccines

– BCG vaccine

– DPT vaccine, Pentavalent vaccines, TT vaccine, Tdap vaccine, DT vaccine

– Measles vaccine, MMR vaccine

– Polio vaccines

– Polio eradication—endgame strategy

– Hepatitis B vaccine

– Hepatitis A vaccine

– Pneumococcal vaccine

– Varicella vaccine

– Rotavirus vaccine

– Rabies vaccine

– Typhoid vaccine

– Human papillomavirus (HPV)

– Influenza vaccine

– MMR-V vaccine

– Hexavalent vaccine

• Adverse event following immunization (AEFI)

• Vaccine preventable disease surveillance

6) Fluid and Electrolyte Disturbances

• Maintenance and deficit fluid therapy

• Hyponatremia

• Hypernatremia

• Hypokalemia

• Hyperkalemia

• Acid–base balance and imbalance

7) Nutrition

• Normal nutrition

• Assessment of nutritional status

• Undernutrition

• Severe acute malnutrition and its management

8) Micronutrients in Health and Disease

• Vitamins

– Vitamin A

– Vitamin D

– Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

– Vitamin E (tocopherol)

– Vitamin K

– Vitamin B complex

• Minerals and trace elements

– Calcium

– Magnesium

– Zinc

– Iodine

9) Neonatology

• Some definitions & terminology related to newborn care in paediatrics

• Care of newborn at birth:

– Routine care of newborn & neonatal resuscitation protocols

– Examination of normal newborn

– Danger signs in newborn

– Neonatal reflexes

• Thermoregulation in newborn

• Breastfeeding and complementary feeding

• Fluids and electrolytes in newborn

• Care of low birth weight babies

– Prematurity and IUGR

– Kangaroo mother care

– Feeding of low birth weight babies

– Growth monitoring in LBW babies

• Neonatal sepsis• Gastrointestinal problems in newborn

– Neonatal jaundice

– Necrotizing enterocolitis

• Respiratory problems

– Apnea of prematurity

– Respiratory distress in neonate

– Hyaline membrane disease (RDS—respiratory distress


– Meconium aspiration syndrome

– Bronchopulmonary dysplasia

– Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn

• Central nervous system problems in newborn

– Perinatal asphyxia and hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy

– Neonatal seizures

– Intracranial hemorrhage and preterm brain injury

• Hematological problems in newborn

– Vitamin K deficiency bleeding

– Approach to a bleeding neonate

• Metabolic disorders

– Hypoglycemia

– Hypocalcemia

– Inborn errors of metabolism in newborn

• Effect of maternal condition in fetus and neonate babies

– Infant of diabetic mother

– Congenital rubella syndrome

– Infant born to mother with tuberculosis

– Infant born to mother with a hepatitis B infections

– Maternal syphilis affecting newborn

– Maternal medications affecting newborn

• Miscellaneous

– Birth injuries

– Follow-up of high-risk newborns

– Neonatal transport

– Hydrops fetalis

– Retinopathy of prematurity

– Approach to the neonate baby with delayed passage of meconium after the birth.

– Approach to a neonate with delayed passage of urine after birth

10) Infections and Infestations

• Rational antimicrobial usage—curb your enthusiasm!

• Fever with rash

• Fever without focus

• Chemoprophylaxis

• Common infections in children

– Malaria

– Pediatric tuberculosis

– Measles

– Enteric fever

– Dengue

– Chickenpox (varicella)

– H1N1 infection (swine flu) or seasonal flu

– Diphtheria

– Whooping cough (pertussis)

– Tetanus

– Mumps

– Leptospirosis (Weil’s disease)

– Brucellosis

– Chikungunya

– Hand-foot-and-mouth disease

– Toxic shock syndrome

– Kala azar

– Rickettsial diseases

– Osteomyelitis (OM) in children

• Pediatric HIV and PPTCT

• Worm infestations in children

• Infection-induced HLH (hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis)

• Congenital infections

11) Disorders of Gastrointestinal System

• Acute diarrhea

• Persistent diarrhea

• Approach to chronic diarrhea• Lactose intolerance

• Celiac disease

• Vomiting in children

• Gastroesophageal reflux disease

• Constipation in children

• Chronic (recurrent) abdominal pain in children

• Acute hepatitis

• Clinical relevance of common liver function tests

• Acute liver failure in children

• Neonatal cholestasis (prolonged cholestasis of infancy)

• Portal hypertension

• Ascites in children

• Metabolic liver disease (MLD)

• Liver transplantation

12) Hematological Disorders

• Anemia in children

– Deficiency anemias

◆ Iron deficiency anemia

◆ Megaloblastic anemia

◆ Infantile tremor syndrome

– Hemolytic anemias

◆ Thalessemia

◆ Sickle cell disease

◆ G6PD deficiency

◆ Hereditary spherocytosis

– Aplastic anemia

– Physiological anemia of infancy

• Approach to a bleeding child

• Immune thrombocytopenic purpura

• Hemophilia

• Von willebrand disease

• Blood component therapy

13) Disorders of Respiratory System

• Clinical pulmonology in a nutshell

• The upper respiratory tract

• Allergic rhinitis (AR)

• Acute laryngotracheobronchitis

• Pneumonia in children

• Acute respiratory infection (ARI) control program

• Recurrent pneumonia

• Nosocomial pneumonia

• Bronchial asthma

• Bronchiolitis

• Approach to a child with recurrent wheezing problem

• Empyema

• Cystic fibrosis

• Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)

• Foreign body inhalation

• Oxygen therapy

• Pulmonary function tests (PFTs)

• Chest physiotherapy

14) Disorders of Cardiovascular System

• Congenital heart disease

– Ventricular septal defect

– Patent ductus arteriosus

– Atrial septal defect

– Cyanosis in children

– Tetralogy of Fallot

– Miscellaneous CHDs

– Timing of intervention in CHDs

• Acute rheumatic fever

• Congestive heart failure

• Infective endocarditis

• Myocardial disorders

• Pericardial disorders

• Hypertension in children

• Arrhythmias in children

• Syncope in children

• Cardiac manifestations of systemic disorders

• Prevention of adult cardiovascular disease—a pediatrician’s


15) Disorders of Kidney and Urinary Tract

• Clinical and laboratory evaluation of renal diseases

• Approach to a child with hematuria

• Disorders of glomerular function

– Nephrotic syndrome

– Steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome

– Acute glomerulonephritis

• Hemolytic uremic syndrome

• Acute kidney injury

• Renal replacement therapy

• Urinary tract infection in children

• Tubular disorders in children

– Renal tubular acidosis

– Bartter and Gitelman syndrome

• Urolithiasis (kidney stones)

• Congenital anomalies of kidney and urinary tract

• Antenatal hydronephrosis

• Cryptorchidism (undescended testis)

• Vesicoureteric reflux

16) Endocrine Disorders

• Thyroid disorders

• Disorders of parathyroid gland

• Congenital adrenal hyperplasia

• Disorders of sex differentiation (ambiguous genitalia)

• Precocious puberty

• Delayed puberty

• Obesity in children

• Short stature

• Diabetes mellitus

• Diabetic ketoacidosis17. Central Nervous System and Neuromuscular


• Febrile seizures and fever-related epilepsy

• Childhood epilepsy

• Status epilepticus

• Localization of neurological disorders

• Acute febrile encephalopathy

• Acute encephalitis syndrome

• Approach to altered level of consciousness and coma

• Acute pyogenic meningitis

• Lumbar puncture and clinical interpretation of CSF examination

• Microcephaly and macrocephaly

• Hydrocephalus

• Neural tube defects

• Parasitic diseases of CNS: Neurocysticercosis

• Acute stroke syndrome in children

• Neurocutaneous syndromes

• Neurodegenerative disorders

• Approach to a child with headache

• Approach to a floppy infant

• Acute flaccid paralysis

• Duchenne muscular dystrophy

18) Childhood Malignancies

• Leukemias

• Lymphomas

• CNS malignancies

• Neuroblastoma

• Wilms tumor

• Retinoblastoma

• Bone tumors

• Histiocytosis

19) Pediatric Rheumatology

• Juvenile idiopathic arthritis

• Kawasaki’s disease and other vasculitides

• Systemic lupus erythematosus

• Henoch-Schönlein purpura

20) Childhood Genetic Disorders

• Basic genetics

• Down syndrome

• Turner syndrome

• Klinefelter syndrome

• Recent advances in genetics and gene therapy

21)Inborn Errors of Metabolism

• Inborn errors of metabolism (IEM) in children—a simplified


• Common IEMs

– Phenylketonuria

– Glycogen storage disorders (GSDs)

– Galactosemia

– Gaucher disease

– Mucopolysaccharidosis

22) Diseases of the Eye

• Congenital and developmental cataracts

• Red eye in children

23) Pediatric Dermatology

• Atopic dermatitis

• Scabies

• Napkin dermatitis (nappy rash dermatitis)

• Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS)

• Ichthyosis

• Stevens–Johnson syndrome

• Mongolian spots

24) Common ENT Problems• Acute otitis media

• Deafness in children

• Acute tonsillitis

25) Pediatric Dentistry

• Normal dentition

• Dental caries

26)Poisonings and Accidents

• General aspects of poisoning

• Approach to a patient with poisoning

• Kerosene poisoning

• Organophosphorous poisoning

• Some other common poisonings

• Envenomation

• Drowning

• Electrocution and lightning

27) Pediatric Critical Care

• Pediatric intensive care unit

• Basic life support & pediatric advanced life support

• Basics of mechanical ventilation

• Total parenteral nutrition

• Shock

• Pain management and sedation in pediatrics

28) Pediatric Surgical Conditions

• Pediatric GI surgical conditions

– Acute abdomen

– Foreign body in GIT

– Cleft lip and palate

– Tracheoesophageal fistula

– Congenital diaphragmatic hernia

– Pyloric stenosis

– Gastroschisis and omphalocele

– Duodenal atresia

– Volvulus and malrotation of gut

– Anorectal malformation

• Pediatric urosurgical conditions

– Phimosis

– Epispadias

– Hypospadias

• Pediatric orthopedic conditions

– Developmental dysplasia of hip (congenital dislocation of hip)


• Brachial plexus injury

• Optimal timing of any surgery for common pediatric surgical indications.

29) Community Pediatrics

• Integrated management of neonatal and childhood illnesses



• Mamta kit

• Mamta card

• Under five clinics

• National health programs for child welfare and health

• Indicators of maternal and child health

• World breastfeeding week

• Child labor

• Child abuse and neglect

• Adoption

• Girl child—the “lesser” sex

• Effects of television viewing in children and screen time

• Fast food in pediatrics

30)Pediatrics for Practical Exam

• Format of pediatric case presentation

• Commonly asked practical cases—sample case presentations

with FAQs

– Thalassemia

– Cerebral palsy (GDD)

– Nephrotic syndrome

– Rheumatic heart disease

– FAQs on CVS short cases

– Tuberculous meningoencephalitis (TBME)

• Format of newborn case presentation

• Sample case presentation with FAQs—newborn

• Commonly asked instruments

– Common instruments

– Inhalation devices in asthma

– Equipment for neonatal resuscitation

• Commonly asked drugs and IV fluids

• Pediatric radiology




About the author :

Snehal Patel, MD Paediatrics

Senior professor,smt NHL municipal medical college, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

Halak vasavada, MD Paediatrics

Senior professor,smt NHL municipal medical college, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

Gargi Pathak,MD Paediatrics

Associate editor, BJ medical college, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

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